Welcome to Messiah of the Mountains Lutheran Church ELCA
at 11:00 AM
and stay for fellowship in the parish hall afterwards

The latest information about worship service is available on our church office voicemail message at 828/675-4291.
Our Mission Statement
To be Disciples
To Live as Disciples
To Make Disciples in Christ
We are a small church, but big in Grace, Hope and Love! We gather each Sunday at 11:00 am for worship and a celebration of Holy Communion, that is the spiritual bread our bodies need to live. All are invited to join us at the Lord's table to be fed by his heavenly food, so please join us. There are no strangers in God’s house, and if you choose to worship with us, we would be honored by your presence.
Covid-19 Protocol
During this time when Covid-19 remains a serious threat, we ask that all our members and visitors follow these safety guidelines.
Please check in with an usher to sign in. We use this information for contact tracing should there be a Covid*-19 exposure.
For now, wearing a face mask is optional.
As Covid-19 conditions change, these guidelines may change. Thank you for helping to keep each other safe.
Rev. Naomi Sease Carriker - Pastor
P.O. Box 1117
4011 Hwy 19 East
Burnsville, NC 28714
Phone: 828-675-4291